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The Caribbean Journal of Social Work

The Caribbean Journal of Social Work (CJSW) is the official journal of the Association of Caribbean Social Work Educators (ACSWE), published through collaboration between Social Work Training and Research Centre (SWTRC) and the Department of Sociology, Psychology and Social Work, UWI (Mona).  The CJSW, was first published in 2002, and is a peer-reviewed publication with a global network of advisors and reviewers. The journal is one of the vehicles through which the Association works to achieve critical objectives for the development of a regional voice in the theory and practice of social work. As an academic journal for the Caribbean and the Caribbean diaspora, CJSW articles explore the theories, practice, research and new thinking in social work with special reference to the Caribbean, and include topics of interest to social workers and social work educators. The objectives of the CJSW are:

a) to promote scholarship of high quality by attracting contributions from various sources of research, analysis and exemplary practice modes in Caribbean social work literature;

b) to inform social work education and practice in the Caribbean by updating the knowledge and skills base of educators and practitioners;

c) to inform social work practice external to the Caribbean region, especially that affecting the West Indian diaspora in metropolitan countries.


The CJSW received the 2013 Award for Best Academic Journal from the Book Industry Association of Jamaica (BIAJ) in recognition of excellence in publishing. The BIAJ Biennial Competition "aims to recognize excellence in publishing, to promote high levels of creativity and technical competence in publishing and to promote local authorship and investment in publishing to enrich Caribbean culture."[1]